Autor: Martin Doubrava, Datum: 01. 11. 2020

Determination and denial of paternity

Determination and denial of paternity The issue of determining and denying paternity must almost always be left to a qualified lawyer. Our services include Legal evaluation of the client’s position and advice on the determination and denial of paternity, legal representation in proceedings on the determination or denial of paternity, drafting a proposal to determine paternity, writing a proposal to deny paternity in court.   Can’t agree?   The list of all necessary documents is for the price of CZK 2,500.00 and the subsequent protection of your interests in oral court proceedings is for the price of CZK 2,000.00 / court proceedings.   Are you afraid of high lawyer fees? Communication with a lawyer by phone, via WhatsApp or Skype is of course possible in our office. A personal visit to a law firm is not a necessity and significantly reduces the cost of legal aid and time. Contact us by email.   We also provide legal assistance in german  

Do you need legal advice? Professional legal assistance saves you time and stress.