Autor: Martin Doubrava, Datum: 04. 5. 2020

Legal aid fee discount for all clients affected by the coronavirus / COVID crisis

A special discount is available for clients and business partners affected by COVID -19 restrictions. 


After about 30 years of advocacy, we are currently seeing a new era of difficult economic and social situations of clients and business partners. And we are here to solve their legal problems with an understanding of their financial capabilities, under the current crisis.


We are offering a unique legal aid fee discount for all clients affected by the coronavirus crisis. Our hourly rates for such clients will be set at a maximum of CZK 2,000 per hour, if the client requests such a discount before starting legal assistance.

At the same time, the possibility of SKYPE legal consultations is possible at much lower prices, which, in addition to the existing types of electronic communication, can help clients move quickly and efficiently. If you are interested in legal advice through SKYPE, contact us by email to specify a date of the consultation.


Free examples and draft contracts from the Internet, or more generally legal advice which is published on various websites can never result in high quality legal assistance, and factor in a lawyer's responsibility for right legal action: An available lawyer at our law firm is available at any time during normal business hours and through WhatsApp on tel. 602 235 245.

Do you need legal advice? Professional legal assistance saves you time and stress.